Monday, February 17, 2014

About Communication

1. What do you expect to learn from this podcast project?
  • Learn how to film and make a video with my group
  • Recreate natural Japanese conversation situations
  • Learn about Japanese dining culture
  • As well as reinforcing American one
  • Become friends with my group members
2. What does "Communication" mean to you?

 Communication means talking constantly so that everyone can understand each other to me. Either with one other individual or with a group of people, communication is vital to cultivating a healthy relationship. It is also the key to a high-functioning team. To communicate well is to talk and plan in advance of doing a project, and meeting regularly during a project so that no one is redoing other people's work, therefore wasting time and energy. A good production is supposed to communicate to its audience what the directors/producers/writers wish to convey and have the audience understand more or less what the message is. On a more personal level, communication between friends and family means frequent contact to show concerns for others. Both sides will benefit from frequent and correct communication if it is done correctly.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think you have brought up an important aspect of communication; it requires constant and frequent effort to exchange messages with each other. At the same time, I wonder how one should keep the quality of communication when you are working on a communicative project like this one (podcast). Even though video itself is a one-way media, there are millions of potential audience to your work on the web. It might help if you and your team mate take some time to think how they would receive your message while you are developing your podcast. がんばってください!むらい

    1. Thank you so much for your advice. We will revise our script so that it can reach out to more audience! Please come again!

  3. "Communication is vital to cultivating a healthy relationship" I really like this!!! :) またあしたね〜!
